
  • Strongbox on your Apple Watch

    NB: You can also use your Apple Watch to unlock Strongbox on your Mac. The Strongbox Apple Watch app is not required for this, and this article only describes the Strongbox Apple Watch app. Introduction You can store your database entries on your Apple Watch. This is convenient for when you nee...
  • Use Passkeys With Strongbox

    Passkeys are a new way of authenticating on the web. They replace passwords with an advanced cryptographic technique to help you be more secure. Passkeys don't need to be remembered and they're resistant to server hacks and phishing. They're also easier to use once they've been setup. It's still ...
  • Access Backups of Your Database

    Strongbox performs backup automatically by default. However we strongly recommend you regularly backup your databases as Strongbox only takes backups locally on your device. We recommend using the Scheduled Export feature (see below) to remind you of this. Note that, if your database is stored on...
  • Schedule Backup Reminders for Your Database

    On iPhone and iPad, Strongbox can periodically remind you to export a backup copy of your database. To enable this feature: Unlock your database Select Settings (the three sliders icon in the top left of the screen) Select Advanced Select Scheduled Export
  • Change the default username, email, password, url etc for new entries

    When you create a new entry, Strongbox will suggest a username/email that you've used previously. By default this is your most used username/email. If you would like to change the suggestion, you can do so by following the instructions below Unlocking your database Creating a new entry Selectin...
  • Clean Up or Reduce the Size of Your Database

    We always recommend keeping your database as small as possible, this makes for faster syncs and unlocks. Specifically, we recommend keeping your database below 4MB or so. When you add attachments or many custom icons or FavIcons the size of your database can grow quite quickly. Methods for Reduc...
  • Delete Favicons and Custom Icons

    By default, Strongbox does not clean up or remove unused custom icons from databases. This is because many people like to have a set of custom icons in their databases that they can pick and choose from. However, some users prefer to keep things neat and tidy in regards to icons and also prefer t...
  • Does Strongbox Run Natively on Apple Silicon (M1/M2)?

    Yes, Strongbox runs natively on Apple silicon 🚀 😎 Please note: if your app version is marked as "Non-Universal", this is not related in any way to it's compatibility with Apple silicon. It's actually related to your Pro license type and whether you can use your license across macOS and iOS.
  • Exclude Entries From Search Results or Archive Items

    To exclude entries from search results, or place items in an "Archive" group you can use the "Searchable" setting. On iOS Move the entries into a new group Long tap on the group and select Item Properties... Under the Searchable heading, tap and select No On macOS Move the entries into a new g...
  • Is There a Limit to Attachment Sizes?

    There is no logical or hard limit to attachment sizes either per entry or in total, but usually once you get beyond a few megabytes in total database size some applications (including Strongbox) will struggle. Usually if you want to store large attachments you’re better off using an encrypted vo...
  • Launch Your Database Immediately When You Open the App

    The Quick Launch feature is a way to automatically launch any database of your choice from your list of databases whenever you switch to the Strongbox app. This means as soon as you launch Strongbox or switch to it from another app or the home screen, you will be prompted to enter your credential...
  • Move Entries Between Databases

    On Mac Via drag and drop: Unlock both databases Select the entries you want to move in the first database Drag and drop them to the second database Via copy and paste: Unlock both databases Select the entries you want to move in the first database Copy the item(s) (right click and select Copy ...
  • Open Your Strongbox Database on Windows, Linux or Android Device

    Strongbox is currently only available on iPhone, iPad and Mac. It is not available on Android, Windows or Linux. It is still possible to open and edit your Strongbox database on these other platforms however. Strongbox uses open source file formats for your databases. This means that any app tha...
  • Store Credit Cards, ID Documents and Other Information

    Strongbox does not currently have a dedicated way to store credit card or other personal information. You can simply add this to a normal entry, like so: Create a new entry in your database Clear the Username and Password fields so they're blank Either add individual custom fields for each line ...
  • Use a Key File With Your KeePass Database on an iOS

    To use a key file on your device, you can import it when you are asked to select a key file during the unlock process. You can import it from anywhere in iOS Files or from Strongbox’s local documents directory. You can copy the key file into Strongbox using iTunes File Sharing or the iOS Files ap...
  • View Previously Used Passwords for an Entry (Password History)

    Yes! On Mac, you can highlight an entry then go to the menu bar and choose Item > View History. On iPhone or iPad, open an entry, scroll to the bottom of the screen and choose Entry History.
  • View Your TOTP Codes in the KeePass App on Windows

    While we can't personally vouch for plugins, we have heard the the KeeTrayTOTP plugin is the best TOTP plugin available for KeePass on Windows at the moment. It works with the native KeePass TimeOTP-* fields, which Strongbox also supports.
  • What Do the Icons Next to My Database Mean?

    Occasionally we receive questions about little icons beside your database in the Database Manager, and what they signify. So we decided to give you an overview of each icon and what it represents in Strongbox: Blue Rocket - This is a quick launch, it immediately launches your database when you...
  • What Is Strongbox’s URL Scheme and Bundle ID?

    Th URL Scheme is simply: strongbox and the Bundle ID is: com.markmcguill.strongbox (for purchasers of the Outright / Upfront / Non In-App Purchase editions) You may need this for Microsoft InTune or other purposes.
  • What Is the minimum supported platform version of iOS, macOS or watchOS required to run Strongbox?

    The minimum platform versions required to run Strongbox are: iOS 15.0 macOS 12.0 watchOS 9.0
  • What Is “URL Smart Fill” Under “New Entry Defaults” on macOS?

    New Entry Defaults allows you to customise the initial values of the fields like Title, Username, URL etc when you create a new entry. This is a time-saver and can be quite handy. In order to access the New Entry Defaults, unlock your database, create a new entry and select New Entry Defaults (o...
  • What’s the Difference Between Strongbox and Bitwarden?

    The answer is, like a lot of things in life, it depends. Both are password managers, but they’re different and it will depend on what problem you’re trying to solve and what level of tech savvy and complexity you feel comfortable with. Strongbox leaves a lot of options up to you, Bitwarden reduce...
  • Which Versions of KeePass Does Strongbox Support?

    Strongbox supports versions 1 and 2 of the KeePass format, that is, both the KDB and KDBX formats. It supports all versions of the KeePass 2 (KDBX) formats (currently 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1). Because KeePass uses a pluggable architecture some KeePass files using special plugins may not be supported b...
  • Edit the Root Group on iPhone/iPad

    On Mac, it's possible to edit the root group of your database simply by right-clicking on it in the left sidebar. On iPhone and iPad, the process is different: Unlock your database Select the search bar Search for the name of the root group (by default, it's "Database") Long-press on the search...
  • Does Strongbox Support KeePass Placeholders and Field References?

    Yes, Strongbox supports a subset of the available placeholders and field references. They are: {TITLE} {USERNAME} {URL} {URL:RMVSCM} {URL:SCM} {URL:HOST} {URL:PORT} {URL:PATH} {URL:QUERY} {URL:USERINFO} {URL:USERNAME} {URL:PASSWORD} {PASSWORD} {NOTES} {TOTP} {S:FieldName} {REF:@:} For a full ref...
  • Adjust What Is Shown in the Left Sidebar in the Mac App

    In the Strongbox Mac app, it's possible to decide which sections to display in the left-hand sidebar. You can also adjust the item counts that are shown here. In order to change these settings: Unlock your database In the menubar at the very top of your screen, select Database Select Database S...
  • Enable Unlock with Apple Watch on Mac

    Unlock with Apple Watch allows you to easily unlock your database when you're wearing your Apple Watch, without needing to use your master password or your fingerprint. To enable Unlock with Apple Watch: Open the System Settings app on your Mac. In the sidebar, click Touch ID & Password (or...
  • What flavour of markdown do you support in the notes field?

    We support GFM (Github flavoured markdown). You can find out more about this here: We also support some advanced features like Tables, Footnotes, Strikethrough, Task Lists, AutoLinks.