Access Backups of Your Database

Strongbox performs backup automatically by default. However we strongly recommend you regularly backup your databases as Strongbox only takes backups locally on your device. We recommend using the Scheduled Export feature (see below) to remind you of this. Note that, if your database is stored on a cloud drive or remote storage it may already be being backed up by that cloud drive provider. You should check this as it adds an extra layer of confidence.

When does Strongbox perform a backup?

  • Before saving any edit to your database
  • If you are using remote storage (Cloud Drive or SFTP/WebDAV) then when a new version of your database is pulled from that location

How can I enable or disable backups? How can I access/view/export and configure these backups?
You can configure, view and perform other backups related tasks by following the instructions below.

  • On iPhone/iPad (iOS)
    • Long tap on your database > Properties > Backups
  • On your Mac (macOS)
    • Click on your database in the Databases Manager window > Click Properties > Backups

Where does Strongbox store these backups?
Strongbox stores these backups locally on your device in a private folder accessible only to the Strongbox app. These are completely inaccessible to the end user on iOS but on macOS you can find them here:

We do not however recommend relying on these locations, they are subject to change.

Are these local Strongbox backups stored inside an Apple backup of my iPhone/iPad?
This is up to you. You can decide if you would like all local files (including local databases, backups and/or imported key files) are included in Apple backups. This setting can be found on under Preferences > Advanced Preferences > Backup Settings. By default local files are included in an Apple device backup.

Are these local backups then stored on iCloud as part of an Apple backup of my iPhone or iPad?
This is not something Strongbox controls. As mentioned above, you can decide if you want these backups (and other local files) included in an Apple device backup. Separately, you can decide if you want Apple backups of your device to be stored on iCloud or on your local Mac/PC. This is not a Strongbox setting/configuration but rather an Apple backup setting.

How are they stored, what format, are they secure?
Backups are exact copies of your existing database at a point in time. They are therefore stored in exactly the same format as your database. This means they are just as secure as your database. That is, very secure (as long as your Master Credentials are strong).

How do I remove all backups and clear all Strongbox settings/files.
When you delete/remove/uninstall Strongbox all local backups are also deleted. On macOS, we recommend you also perform a full clear/reset of all settings.

The Scheduled Export Feature (iOS Only)
The Scheduled Export feature, if enabled, you will get a reminder to export your database at a configurable time interval (the default is 2 weeks). You can configure this by:

  1. Unlock your database
  2. Tap the Database Settings Icon (the icon with three sliders in the top left of the screen)
  3. Tap Advanced
  4. Tap Scheduled Export