
  • Strongbox Pro Features

    To find out what is included in Strongbox Pro and what is included in the free version of Strongbox head over to our features comparison page.
  • Will Strongbox Pro Work on All of My Devices (iPhone, iPad and Mac)?

    Yes, Strongbox is now a universal App, which means it runs on both iOS and macOS, and uses a single license across these platforms. The license is linked to your Apple ID. So no matter what device you use (iPhone/iPad/Mac), as long as you are signed in with the correct Apple ID, you will have ac...
  • Transfer Your Pro License to a New iPhone/iPad/Mac

    Your license is connected to your Apple ID, so this is as simple as making sure that you are: 1. Signed in to your device with the correct Apple ID 2. Signed in to the App Store app on your device with the same and correct Apple ID You'll then be download or upgrade Strongbox by following the a...
  • Share Strongbox Pro With Your Family

    You can share Strongbox Pro with up to 5 other family members! Strongbox supports Apple Family Sharing for all versions of its Apps and for all license types (monthly, yearly, lifetime in-app purchase and lifetime outright). No exceptions. See below for instructions on how to use Family Sharing...
  • Cancel Your Subscription

    Your subscription is managed by Apple. To cancel, simply follow the instructions below: On iOS Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the page. Tap Subscriptions. Tap on the subscription in the list that you wish to cancel. Tap Cancel Subscription at the bottom. O...
  • Which Version of Strongbox Should I Download?

    Updated: July 2022 for Universal App Release There are now 2 recommended 'Universal' Apps in the App Store that we recommend for all new users because they will work on both iOS and macOS with a single license: Recommended Versions Strongbox - Freemium In App Purchase - (Universal App for iOS ...
  • What Is the Difference Between the Universal and Non-Universal Strongbox Apps?

    Unfortunately we have to maintain two different versions of Strongbox on macOS (in addition to managing Freemium vs Pro). Please see the reasoning below. What is Universal Strongbox? Runs on both iOS and macOS using the same license. Anyone who previously had an iOS license now has a Universal ...
  • Strongbox Universal (or Unified) Licensing (iOS & macOS) - How It Works

    On the 28th of July 2022, we unified our licensing between iOS and macOS. This means that a single 'Universal' license works across iPhone, iPad and Mac, and, if you’re a Pro member, you can access premium features on any of those devices for a single price. Before this point, the iOS and Mac ap...
  • Change From a Monthly/Annual Subscription to a Lifetime License

    We know some prefer a Lifetime license over those recurring subscriptions, so we've made a Lifetime version of Strongbox available for you. We would just ask you to consider sticking with the subscription, as a Lifetime license is harder for us to manage as a small company. Either way we're very ...
  • How Promo Codes Work

    Strongbox Pro Monthly and Yearly Subscriptions All discounts will be applied for the first 12 months of your subscription. If you're still subscribed after 12 months, the pricing will return to the standard price. I’m Not Currently Subscribed (New Subscribers and Existing Subscribers) Follow t...
  • Purchase Strongbox Zero and Strongbox Pro as Part of a Bundle

    If you want to use both Strongbox Pro and Strongbox Pro (Lifetime) apps, you can purchase them both as part of the 'Zero & Pro Bundle'. If you have already either app separately, you should be able to "complete" the bundle, paying a lower price.
  • Is There a Way To Download Strongbox Without Going Through the App Store?

    Strongbox is only available through the iOS and macOS App Stores.
  • I Got Charged When I Started My Free Trial

    It appears that sometimes when you begin a subscription, even if the subscription has a free trial, that this can sometimes trigger Apple to collect any deferred payments you may have made when purchasing other Apps or subscriptions or items. So while the Strongbox free trial doesn't cost anythi...
  • Where Can I Get an Invoice or Receipt for My Purchase?

    If you would like to receive an invoice for your Strongbox purchase, you simply need to reach out to Apple as they handle all payments. You should also receive your invoice in your email used to purchase Strongbox, and it should be associated with your Apple ID, so you should be able to find thi...
  • Where is the EULA or License Agreement for Strongbox?

    Strongbox is governed by the standard Apple EULA:
  • Is Strongbox free for Commercial Use?

    The free version of Strongbox is NOT available for commercial use. If your organisation is a commercial, profit making enterprise, or if your organisation charges fees of any kind, you must purchase a Pro license to use it legally. You can purchase a license In-App or on the Apple App Store. Alt...