Transferring Your Preferences and Settings and Local Databases
If you install a different version of the Strongbox app, you can ensure that your settings are transferred to the new version of the app. For instance if you're switching to the 'Strongbox Pro' version of the app. To transfer settings simply follow this procedure:
1. Install the new App first before removing the previous App
2. Confirm everything looks good in the newly installed App.
3. Uninstall the old App
Caution: If you remove the only Strongbox App on iOS it will remove all settings and local databases, so please be careful to install the new App first.
NB: This currently does not work between devices: it's currently only possible to transfer settings and local databases between apps on the same device.
Transferring Strongbox Sync Database(s)
This is automatic. Your "Strongbox Sync" based databases will always be available within any version of Strongbox (across devices and between macOS and iOS). You don't even need keep Strongbox installed on any device because Strongbox Sync based databases are stored separately from the App.