Import Your Existing Passwords Into Strongbox

If you already have a KeePass or Password Safe database, you can immediately add that database file to Strongbox as is. Otherwise read on to find out how to import your existing passwords into Strongbox.

Export Your Existing Data

First you need to export your data from the password manager that you're currently using.

If you're exporting your data from 1Password we recommend choosing the 1PUX file format, as this will include all of your custom fields and attachments. For all other password managers, choose CSV.

See below for some handy guides on how to export your data:

Once you have an exported file which contains your passwords and other personal information, follow the steps below to import that data into Strongbox.

Import Your Data into Strongbox on Mac

  1. Open Strongbox on your Mac
  2. Click File (in the menu bar) > Import > Generic CSV... (if using 1PUX, choose that)
  3. Locate and select the CSV file that you exported in Part 1 above. Strongbox will confirm the import was successful.
  4. Set a master password for your Strongbox database
  5. Lastly, save your new Strongbox database either locally or on your favourite cloud drive
  6. Check your entries in Strongbox to make sure all of your data has been imported successfully
  7. Delete the CSV file that you had exported from your previous password manager

Import Your Data in Strongbox on iOS (iPhone & iPad)

  1. Move your CSV file into a location that can be accessed by your iPhone/iPad
  2. Open Strongbox on your iPhone or iPad
  3. Tap the plus symbol (+) in the top right of the screen
  4. Tap More
  5. Tap Generic CSV... (if using 1PUX, choose that)
  6. Follow the instructions to create the new database
  7. Check your entries in Strongbox to make sure all of your data has been imported successfully
  8. Delete the CSV file that you had exported from your previous password manager

Final Step

The file that you exported from your previous password manager will be unencrypted. All of your data will be stored in plaintext. Anyone with access to these files will be able to read your passwords. Be delete this file once you're finished.