Move Your Data from Bitwarden to Strongbox

Introduction - Bitwarden to KeePass

Strongbox can import your data from Bitwarden using their JSON format (unencrypted). Strongbox creates a new KeePass format database (KDBX 4.x) in which to store data from Bitwarden. This is an open source format which you can use across many apps, so you're never locked in. To get started, follow the steps below.

It is important to note that the import process isn't perfect and you should always inspect the newly created database and make sure your data looks ok. You can always edit the database to your liking after the import.

Step 1: Exporting from Bitwarden

  1. Go to Bitwarden on the web and unlock your vault normally found here
  2. Click Tools in the top menu bar and choose Export Vault (see Screenshot below).
  3. Make sure you select JSON as the File Format and click Confirm Format.
  4. You will be asked to re-enter your master password. Do so and then click Export Vault.
  5. Save the resulting JSON file in a convenient location available for step 2 below.

Bitwarden Export

Step 2: Import Bitwarden JSON using Strongbox

Choose from the instructions below depending on whether you're importing using your Mac or iPhone/iPad...

2a) On your Mac (macOS)
  1. Open Strongbox, and click File > Import > Bitwarden (JSON) menu item - see screenshot below.
  2. Locate and select the Bitwarden JSON file that you exported in Part 1 above. Strongbox will confirm the import was successful.
  3. You now need to set a master password for your new Strongbox database. This can be the same as your old 1Password master password if you like.
  4. Lastly, save your new Strongbox database either locally or on your favourite cloud drive.
  5. Check your entries in Strongbox to make sure all of your data has been imported successfully.


2b) On your iPhone or iPad (iOS)
  1. Move the Bitwarden JSON file that you exported in Part 1 above into a location that can be accessed by your iPhone/iPad.
  2. Open Strongbox and tap the Plus Symbol (+) in the top right of the screen.
  3. Tap More > Bitwarden (JSON)... and follow the on screen instructions
  4. Check your entries in Strongbox to make sure all of your data has been imported successfully.


Step 3: Cleanup

  1. Delete the JSON file that you exported from Bitwarden.