How do I remove extra versions or copies of Strongbox installed on my system?

We always recommend, in fact insist, on having only one version of Strongbox installed on your system at a time. Having more than one almost certainly will cause issues. It is unfortunately a little too easy to have more than one installed, especially if you've upgraded to Pro recently or decided to switch to Zero. To remove extra copies follow the instructions below for iOS or macOS.

On iOS (iPhone or iPad)

Simply long tap on the extra versions of Strongbox that maybe installed on your home screen and tap the minus button to remove.

On macOS

  1. Before continuing, make sure you know where all of your existing databases are stored, and also that you 100% definitely know the master password (and any other master credentials).
  2. Optional: You can at this point decide if you'd like to do a full factory reset of Strongbox. This may help if you are having difficulties in other ways with Strongbox. You can find the Factory Reset button under Settings > Advanced > Factory Reset (Big Yellow Button)
  3. Go to your Applications folder and check if there is a sub folder called "Strongbox". This is where extra or different versions of Strongbox are saved if you install more than one. We would recommend removing not just that folder but also the Strongbox app itself directly inside the Applications folder. You can do this by moving those to the Bin or choosing Delete.
  4. Now, starting fresh, you can go to the App Store and install only the version of Strongbox that you want to use permanently, be it Strongbox Pro or Zero, or just Free.
Feb 12, 2024