How Does the Associated Sites Feature Work? Does It Require an Internet Connection?

What is Associated Sites?

Associated Sites makes autofill more convenient by suggesting your entries on more sites when you're browsing the web. If you're visiting a URL that is not contained within any of the entries in your database, but is related to one of the URLs stored in an entry in your database, that entry will still be suggested to you. This saves time having to open the Strongbox app and search for the entry you need.

An example is that you might have an entry for Trello which contains the URL ''. But when you go to log into your Trello account in your web browser, the URL is actually ''. Strongbox knows that these two URLs are related, and so will offer to autofill your Trello log in details for you.

How Does it Work?

The list of associated URLs is contained within the local files of the Strongbox app itself. Strongbox does not connect online to any servers in order to provide this functionality. Any updates to the list of associated sites is delivered through app updates.

None of the URLs in your database are being communicated outside of your local machine. This approach allows us to deliver a powerful new convenience feature whilst maintaining the maximum amount of security for your sensitive information.