Organise Your Entries with Tags

You can add as many tags as you like to an entry. For instance, you could add both "work" and "messaging" tags to a single entry for Slack.


To Add a Tag to an Entry

On iPhone/iPad
  1. Open the entry
  2. Tap Edit
  3. Scroll down to the Tags section
  4. Type the tag name
  5. Tap Return on the onscreen keyboard
  6. Tap Done (in the top right corner of the screen)
On Mac
  1. Open the entry
  2. Click Edit (the pencil icon above the entry name in the righthand column)
  3. Select the text field in the Tags section
  4. Type the tag name
  5. Hit return on your keyboard
  6. Click Save & Close

N.B. On Mac you can also, like with groups, drag and drop entries across to a tag in the lefthand sidebar to add them to that tag.

To Create a New Tag

The process is very similar when creating a new tag. Simply follow the steps above except, instead of typing the name of an existing tag, type a new tag name and hit return. This will create a new tag in your database that you can then add to other entries.

Mar 5, 2025